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Dear Friends,

Thanks for Popping into my Website

In my office


It is known that Article 6.2 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms states:"Everyone charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law".


Similarly, in almost every country in the world, there is a statute that proclaims this fundamental principle.


However, grounding on my personal experience, I would say rather that: "Everyone charged with a sexual offense is presumed guilty until declared innocent out of mercy".


I do mean "out of pity" because the judge cannot be forced to believe you in your denials, even if there is no evidence whatsoever of the alleged offense.


Nothing even compels him to believe the evidence you bring in support of your innocence, although you don't have to... for the judge accounts to no one but his own conscience.


From the outset, you are straightaway presented in the eyes of the public as a culprit: your name and your photos are in the press, while no one knows the identity of the accusers.


You are thrown in detention; taken away from the affection of your beloved ones, spouse, children, family in general or friends; deprived of the right to work or travel; and people you never saw before, insult you without knowing the truth.


Meanwhile, the accusers, straightforwardly called "victims" by the media, the magistrates and the  police, do not worry about how to prove the accusations, since they are overprotected, cocooned, and even cherished.


In this fearsome trap in which your whole life is suspended and your future out of your control, only the pity of a judge can put an end to your ordeal when reason has deserted the decisions taken by the others, no longer abiding by the law.


This idea will be the main thread of my developments on this website, with the strong hope that anyone invested with a decision-making power, wherever in the world, will do whatever it takes to stop this dreadful situation.


It is not up to the one claiming innocence to provide the evidence supporting this innocence; and judges must not be stubborn enough to wreck the defendant’s life, just because the case at issue is a matter of morals... where lies so much hypocrisy if not passion or deliberate blindness.


The plaintiff, who is accusing without providing any proof, can perfectly be acting out of malice or financial greed; as well as unbeknownst to herself, she may be manipulated to serve the hatred of another, such as her attorney.


The D.A may also have any despicable reasons for wanting the social elimination of the alleged offender, especially if the latter is, as such is my case, a pugnacious lawyer who has few good reasons to complain, inter alia, of unfair discrimination, namely xenophobia.


This is what I have directly been through for almost three years, of which the aftermath still torments me.


Although I am not a native English speaker, I tried to the best of my knowledge, to express myself in English, because I would like my reflection to go beyond the French-language media space, which in my view, is still too much influenced by some racist if not colonial prejudices.


Nonetheless, the documents here online are French-written, as they are related to the legal paperwork exhibited in court.


Admittedly, they are not confidential, since the investigation that was conducted by a judge and the police is complete to date; but I will discretionally grant free access to the writs and memos, only on request addressed personally to me.


Of course, due to the technicality of the legal language and the huge volume of pages, I cannot afford to translate them.


On the other hand, the self-made videos here, do not really need to be translated from English to French since anyone who has reached the secondary level at school has the ability to identify or at least guess my words, in an English language that surely needs some improvements.


If I hope you will enjoy the tour, above all, I wish you never to be accused of a sexual crime you did not commit.


With my kindest regards.


Jacques Tchibozo

Once again, my Warmest Greetings To You All!

To welcome you, I propose you immediately watch this video of Jean Ferrat singing the beauty of life beyond tragedy.

The slideshow, the videos and all the texts on this website are intended for your information.

In this respect, feel free to download my Opening Statement.

I wish you a good time on my website especially if you can preferably watch from a computer rather than a mobile phone.

Please also take note that you are filmed (no, I'm kidding - though I invite you to smile);  and that you are the visitor n°

compteur internet

"Everyone charged with a sexual offence shall be presumed guilty until declared innocent out of mercy."


Welcome again. This website is mostly dedicated to exposing the false accusations of sexual offenses Mr. Jacques Tchibozo, Esq., has had to face, starting from June 2013. It also aims at accounting for the outcome of the legal procedure for a promising lawyer who views it as the tragedy of a lifetime. In designing this website, Mr. Tchibozo intends to shed light onto a serious concern of our time: how to handle fairly the presumption of innocence of a man, accused of sexual crimes by many women, none of whom can provide a single evidence? You may also expect to find here, the report of any other litigation this humanistic lawyer was involved in, either pro se as a way to express his rejection of injustice and arbitrariness, or pro deo for his clients whose rights were at issue.

Now, you know the truth. Please share it. Thanks.

 This is Dossi, a Beninese artist, singing a lullaby for anyone painfully afflicted... as I have been just in a wink, which shows how life is fragile.

I used to think that it was enough to be a good man in life. Today, I know that we must also have a lot of luck, that is to say the favor, if not downright, the mercy of the gods.