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Florence Journiac, like Madame Bovary, the vice and hypocrisy of the provincial bourgeoisieFlorence Journiac, like Madame Bovary, the vice and hypocrisy of the provincial bourgeoisie

The day I interviewed Mrs. Bovary — sorry, Florence Journiac — she asked to speak on the phone with Charles Simon, my first associate, whom she knew from Versailles where they were together at the law school. As soon as she reached Mayotte, they began to sleep together. Consequently, I found myself supporting not two associates, but a couple for $ 4800 a month, knowing that they used to come together at work and returned together, which disrupted the smooth running of the firm. It must be said also that before their arrival (one came in June and the other four months later), I have looked for a furnished apartment to accommodate them, I mean separately; and offered to them, the first month of rent as well as the security deposit. I also lent them my scooter which they were authorized to drive free of charge for a whole month. Charles for example, used it for two months before I gave him a car for a few weeks, waiting for him to buy his own, which he did actually and wrecked it quickly in a traffic accident. Of course, he is not just fond of cigarettes which he used to smoke — with his girlfriend Florence Journiac who smokes too — almost every fifteen minutes, in front of the law office, under the dumbfounded gaze of the clients

Charles Simon and the "French-colonizer's complex"Charles Simon and the "French-colonizer's complex"

The fact remains that Charles did not want or could not afford coming to work by any other means but profiting by the scooter Florence was entitled to use, after I taught her how to drive, since she had no driving license. Before I hired her, she did not even learn how to ride anything but a bicycle. Like the true Madame Bovary, her sex affair with Charles was not genuine; however, as they were together all the time, my law office most of the time, had no lawyer to perform the job for which they were paid, when several hearings overlapped in court, if I was busy myself giving a consultation on the radio. I decided then that this situation had to stop, and in January 2013, I moved to fire Charles who had towards me the "French-colonizer's complex." He then offered his resignation to avoid a disciplinary layoff, expecting that once more, I would be generous and pay him for the notice period he freely elected to give away. In the first place, I accepted and he left; but afterthought, I refused to pay him because of his insolence, ingratitude and rebelliousness. Florence Journiac began to seek the opportunity to avenge him, so she started sneaking around my private life and gossiping about me to Saouda Souf Baco, the newly-appointed secretary to the post of her friend Saanda Mohamed. She happened then to discover that I showed my home to Saouda.

On January 28, one week after Charles resigned, she decided to resign too just because I sent her an e-mail to point out her laziness, knowing that she was my associate, not my partner, meaning that I was her employer and supervisor. Charles had a Venetian mask like thisCharles had a Venetian mask like thisLike her boyfriend who came along with her, in sportswear and who was sitting in my waitroom, she also came hypocritically to negotiate a compensation in lieu of notice, because two months earlier, I granted such a request from Saanda. She then told me that she would like to comply with the notice for a shorter term than three months. But I meant it clear that I did not want to get involved in that childish game: either she complies with the full notice period and I pay the three months salary she was entitled to; or she leaves without compensation. It was a take it or leave it! But it was also the biggest mistake of my life which I would pay cash!

Money money money, in the rich man's worldMoney money money, in the rich man's world

Today, with the benefit of hindsight, I sincerely think that if I knew what this lady was able to do (see next page), I woul have accepted to give away to her a few bank notes and live in peace.

In fact, Florence attempted to blackmail me, as she knew that I drove Saouda to my place, as if it were legally forbidden for a male employer to have a personal relationship with his female secretary. So before leaving my office, she said in a whisper that she would make me pay this offense which was none. A few days after this event, she sent me an email to apologize, which was removed from my mailbox by Hakim Chekri while I was in detention. In fact, as Samiati's complaint was too weak, Florence and Saanda joined in and accused me of multiple sexual assaults and aggravated rape so that the case turned immediately a serious matter: not a mere crime, but a felony which would lead to my arrest. The purpose was clear: they wanted me to be disbarred. They also hoped to make a jackpot through the criminal procedure, since civil parties can obtain compensation in case the defendant is sentenced. It must be said that since they left my office, Florence chanced to be hired part-time, while I had to plead in favor of Charles before a colleague accepted to recruit him for about $ 945. Being in dire need of money and ready to do anything for it, Florence said then that I grabbed her breasts while teaching her how to drive the motor scooter, and that she could feel that I had a boner, that is in plain English, an erect male sex.

Civil parties can expect a jackpot, so they tend to lie and blubber. But weeping is not proving.Civil parties can expect a jackpot, so they tend to lie and blubber. But weeping is not proving.

Of course, she could feel that without seeing or touching me. Bravo! What an expertise! The funny thing is that this sexual assault supposedly took place multiple times, into oncoming traffic. How insight! Lucky me, she was pictured in a restaurant with Saanda, Charles her own boyfriend and myself, one week after the said assaults.

Now the basic question is: would you have a lunch with a man who sexually assaulted you? Would you allow him to do it again? Knowing that you are a lawyer yourself, why would you wait eight months before exposing this to the police or even to your boyfriend who is a lawyer too, especially as you both have been fired by the same man? Why would you go out with a man if he assaulted you, or apologize in writing to him?

To finish with, let me point out that when I was in custody at the police station, detectives Cédric Lahay and Jérôme Marhin went away with my smartphone, under no serious excuse. They just took it, pretending that they wanted to search it. I was feeble and vulnerable at that moment (in fact, I was a hospitalized patient) and could not actually protest. When they brought it back to me, dead, I was taken directly to jail. Once out, five months later, I was eager to show the above photos to the judge in order to prove my innocence. It was then, November 12, 2013, that I realized that the images were missing. This means that these two police officers wanted to favor my accusers and harm me. Fortunately, I had a copy, saved on my computer (see below). Of course, I filed a complaint against them; but up to date, I have never heard of any followup. Now my last question here: why would two detectives remove these pictures if they were not aware that the civil party was lying, and if they have not received instructions to overprotect her? Yes, this is Justice for you!!!

These photos were removed from my smartphone by two detectives who were instructed to paralyze me in my defense, so that Florence Journiac could prevail in her lies.