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Nadia Moussa Mohamed

مرحبا بكم في أبسورديستان

Welcome to Absurdistan

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Nadia Moussa Mohamed (different from Saanda Mohamed and from Saoudata Moussa) has never been my employee. She was just a client who befriended me. When the plot was set and I got arrested, I told the judge that I knew the conspirators, and above all, the reasons of the conspiracy. Of course, most of my colleagues could not put up with the fact that I opened four law offices, and used to give free consultations on radio every week. Therefore it appeared necessary to the masterminds of the conspiracy, to attempt to prove me wrong.

That is how, when Nadia Moussa Mohamed came to my office, worrying about her file after she heard of my arrest in the news, they bribed her and she then accepted to collude with them.

What did she say?What did she say?

In the first place, Nadia pressed charges of sexual assault against me, enabling thereby my opponents to pretend that all the so-called victims were not former employees or coming from my professional environment: There was a client! There was a client!

But she committed a stupid mistake: either she has forgotten that when she came to visit me the first time, I took a photo of her, which I transferred to my computer; or she has been told by the pack that since I was in prison, I could not have access to my phone so as to rebut her statements as an idiotic liar: "I am a client. Yes, he raped me too... three times!"

But I have a merciful guardian angel in Canada whom I could talk to everyday on the phone, just because I am lucky enough that she loves me in spite of all the sufferings I caused her to undergo.

She checked in my mailbox and managed to have the photo above sent to the one-sided judge who had schedulded a videoconferencing confrontation with all my accusers on September 5, 2013.

On that day, I told the judge how disappointed I was to be accused only of sexual assault by Nadia.

As soon as she read this statement, her attorney naively advised her to aggravate the accusations so that in the afternoon, Nadia said in the second place that I raped her too, three times!

Probably did she, like the other accusers, calculate that she would get rich, far beyond the price for which she sold her dignity in charging me slanderously.There are some people who would sell their soul for moneyThere are some people who would sell their soul for money

When a second confrontation was schedulded in December 2014, Nadia was afraid to get cross-examined, because this time, the confrontation was no longer by videoconference, and she could no longer rely on her attorney to jot down the answers to her in the blind spot of the camera. Besides, I was no longer in jail, and had access to my smartphone on which were saved the SMS we sent each other before that awful plot was implemented. Like Saouda Souf Baco, but for different reasons, she did not come to the confrontation, and her lawyer either. After two years of lying, she fled like a criminal.

After all, I am grateful to Nadia for she helped my defense.After all, I am grateful to Nadia for she helped my defense.

However, if there is nothing more to say with respect to the statements of this pathological liar, the question remains to know how comes that the judge, supposed to be a wise man, did believe while I was so obvious that she was lying? There was absolutely nothing a reasonable person would believe in Nadia's statements, especially as I showed to the judge, all the messages she sent me. Furthermore, the judge noticed himself that she was repeating in front of him, for the alleged rape, the same accusations she improvised for the sexual assault which was not convincing at all. Nonetheless, this unusual magistrate decided to send me before a jury.