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"S" like "Snake""S" like "Snake""S" like "Sneaking"

       For Potiphar's wife

Saanda Mohamed, a true nemesis who kills because her love is not rewardedSaanda Mohamed, a true nemesis who kills because her love is not rewarded


You are in trouble when a woman does not love you; but if she loves you and you do not like her, you have more problems. This summarizes in a few words, my relationship with Saanda Mohamed, who was my secretary for eight months. If you know from the Bible, Old Testament, the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39: 1-23), you already know why Saanda accused me of rape. No need to say more, especially as I fired her in November 2012, knowing that two weeks before, she has thrown a party to which she invited me with my family. On this event, at her mother's place, she offered gifts to my wife and children, after we had a somptuous meal.

Saanda who was resentful towards me, would have the following year, via Samiati Ali Ahamed (see previous page), the dreadful opportunity to strike me and satiate her bitterness... since her shameful revenge would ruin my life so far.

If ever you still have any inquiry after watching all my videos and searching through the other materials on this website, then email me. You have  just to know that, after three years of a singular investigation on the part of his colleague in the lower degree, namely the "juge d'instruction", it has become clear to the president of the Investigation Chamber that "Mrs Potiphar" has slanderously accused me. Now imagine that this "viper" played so well the victim that the judges incarcerated me again, after I gave an interview on the radio to demonstrate that I was a victim of a plot. Imagine that this liar was cocooned by the magistrates who sent her every notice of my demands for freedom and their writs of rejection. Imagine that I could not resume my work because of her.  

For the judges, so far my accusers lived in Mayotte and did not retract, I could not come back to my place because I could try to avenge myself. "Jeez! how odd!". So, my presumption of innocence depended on the retraction of some stubborn liars who were supported by hate lawyers. All this when there was no evidence whatsoever! In contrary, it was easy to guess that everything Saanda Mohamed said was affabulation. For example, in addition to the gifts she offered to my wife and children, she came to my birthday celebration and to a party I threw on June 2, 2012, in a nightclub, with her boyfriend (see below); and she danced with me in front of all my guests, including several magistrates and clerks who did me the honor of coming to this party. But a year later, she told the police that I had raped her three times, until the end of May 2012, twice in the vagina and once in the form of a forced blowjob. Yet I have shown my proofs to the judges who did not ask themselves these questions:

How can a man rape the same woman twice, and wear a condom everytime?

Why would a raped woman ask her alleged rapist to become her friend on FacebooK?

What is the reliability of a woman who said she performed fellatio on her alleged rapist in the absence of any violence, threat or coercion?

How credible is such a woman who has not lodged a complaint even after a year since she was laid off by her alleged rapist?


How comes a raped woman offer gifts to the wife and children of her alleged rapist?

How comes a raped woman invite her alleged rapist to a lunch at her mother's place?

How can a woman, raped many times until the end of May 2012, come to dance with her alleged rapist on June 2, 2012?

 Saanda allegedly raped until the end of May 2012, came to my party on June 2, 2012Saanda allegedly raped until the end of May 2012, came to my party on June 2, 2012



Is that a raped woman two days ago? Is that a raped woman two days ago?



