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The Comorian "Nafissatou Diallo"


Samiati Ali Ahamed: the kiss of deathSamiati Ali Ahamed: the kiss of death

It was only to enhance her prospects of obtaining a residence permit in Mayotte that I offered an internship to Samiati, a girl from the Comoros without any diploma. She was then more of a date than an employee, since at the time, April 2013, the incumbent secretay in my main office was Saoudata Moussa (see below).


As a trainee, Samiati was graciously paid half the salary of a regular staff member; but since the day she happened to meet Saanda Mohamed, my former secretary, Samiati considered that she was underpaid. But the truth is that if both were from the Comoros, Saanda who was acting out of grievance and jealousy (see next page), had the residence permit Samiati was longing for till then. To put it in short, their legal status were not the same in France.


Furthermore, unknowing that at the start, I just wanted to help her, Saanda sparked a storm of sedition in Samiati's heart; and she decided then to ensnare me a few days before I could fly to Montreal and meet with my family, while her own relatives were impatiently expecting her financial support before they could travel to Paris where they intended to live permanently.


For Samiati henceforth brainwashed, it was a desperate race against time. We all still have in mind, what happened to the former director of the IMF or International Monetary Fund, Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, at the hand of Nafissatou Diallo; and Samiati who knew me intimately, was in dire need of money. My fate was sealed on June 18, 2013, when she left my appartment, arranged her clothes the way she wanted Hakim Chekri, my associate, to see her so he could serve as her witness;Money money money... you know the chorusMoney money money... you know the chorus and called him on the phone, pretending that I have attempted to rape her.


Of course, Samiati could manipulate this unexperienced lawyer, since she was aware that he had a crush on her; and would be ready to do anything to be nice to her... as he would to please the District Attorney of Mayotte in 2013. Samiati in Hakim's armsSamiati in Hakim's armsThe one wanted in fact to hang me on a butcher's hook, if I may borrow this expression from a former French prime minister, Mr Dominique de Villepin. But both Samiati and Hakim happened to commit a lot of mistakes, which they tried to cover by improvising, like in an infernal spiral, new lies over new lies, which sadly and for long, have deceived the judges who, and this is true, were absolutely complacent.


For example, Samiati Ali Ahamed, who was counseled by a gang of shameless lawyers, naively found it appropriate to accuse me of two rapes plus one attempt. Of the two rapes, one would have occurred in my car on the move − I mean on the move, driven by myself - while actually, she had no panties and was quite willing.  As for the other, it supposedly took place in my office, on a fragile desk made of glass, under circumstances typically similar to those Saanda Mohamed described while she too pressed charges against me for three rapes, allegedly committed one year earlier, until the end of May 2012. Of course, none of my accusers thought about the credibility of her allegations. Since judges validated with their eyes closed, anything they said, then they were no longer bothered and issued lies always bigger and more improbable.


Samiati is bisexual. She uses her charms to seduce both men and womenSamiati is bisexual. She uses her charms to seduce both men and women

Today, the Investigation Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Saint-Denis, Reunion Island, has rejected all charges of rape, implying thereby that my female accusers lied, as I was claiming from the beginning of this awful plot.

Besides, this picture on the left, reminds me that the very first time I received Samiati to offer her an internship, she unbuttoned the white blouse she wore on purpose so that I could glimpse her breasts. She told me later that she knew that I would wish to fuck her − sorry, but this was her actual words when translated from French and that she was delighted at this idea. But for long, she was presented as an innocent victim of a tycoon or a tyrant lawyer. It is time for this wrong image to change.

No more journalist talks about the case since the sensation of my arrest is over; ; no one seems to be interested in it, since things did not prove the way they have been hastly presented in the first place. No one cares about me, how I live every day with my humiliation and the stigma attached to such a serious, devastating and destructive accusation which has never been supported by a single evidence.


The course of my life has been injustly stopped, while my accusers continued theirs: some had new babies, some travelled to pursue new job opportunities, etc. But they all fooled the magistrates who were also willing to be fooled. Upon request, so far you can read French legal jargon, I will consider sending you, any document extracted from my file if you need to read further.

Saoudata Moussa is a French woman from Mayotte, who worked in my office as a secretary. When to knock me down, the idea of a plot sprouted in the mind of my former secretary Saanda Mohamed, she asked Saoudata Moussa to join the plot for many to denounce me slanderously. Saanda whom I had dismissed, has been hired by a colleague coming also from the Comoros, and the latter did not hold me in esteem at all. Clearly, my disbarment is what was aimed at. However, although she was no longer working for me, not only did Saoudata Moussa refuse this odious and despicable conspiracy; but also did she warn me about it. Sincerely, I am deeply grateful to her. You already know the other persons identifiable in this slideshow.