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Sadly, Saouda Souf Baco, did not have enough energy to say no to Florence JourniacSadly, Saouda Souf Baco, did not have enough energy to say no to Florence JourniacSaouda Souf Baco (not to be confused with Saoudata Moussa) is not really an accuser; but she was called by "the pack" so that many could accuse me. When she came to the police station, she did testify that I brought her home, which is not a crime, even among the most hardened Taliban. We chatted a bit, and she listened to me play the piano. When I asked her if she would like to go out with me, she said no. I told her that it was not a problem and that if ever she changed her mind anytime, I would be available. I really wanted to have her as my secretary because the intellectual level in Mayotte is below average, while Saouda, originally from Bourges in France, was a precious catch. Sincerely and honestly, she admitted all this to the police. But as she was policing my life, just as Saanda Mohamed had done before - for she was in love with me - Florence Journiac asked Saouda to report to her everything that had happened when she was in my place, which she would try to blackmail me with. She also urged Saouda to resign - like she would do with so many other coworkers - so that my office could be paralyzed, as I do not speak the local languages of Mayotte and could not work without a translator.

Shaun the sheep says "Thumps up" to Saouda Shaun the sheep says "Thumps up" to Saouda

Although Saouda declined lodging a complaint, the D.A. included her in his initial indictment. She then found herself involved in the procedure, and a hate attorney appointed herself to assist her. In the first place, she accepted to repeat what this despicable attorney told her, and which was meant to back up Florence Journiac's hazardous statements. But later on, Saouda stopped participating in the procedure, so much so that the day a confrontation schedulded in Mayotte in December 2014, her lawyer had to admit that she no longer knew how to get in touch with her presumed client. What a shame on that hate lawyer! Thumbs up to you Saouda. You deserve all my praises!

Saouda Souf Baco was not the only person Florence Journiac tried to put in conflict with me. In addition to judges, lawyers, and even mere clients to whom she said bad things about me, she appealed (with Saanda's complicity) to Michkati Hamidouni, my former secretary in Pamandzi. What is funny is that on June 19th, 2013, this lady sent me By enlightening Saanda's jealousy, Michkati helped my defenseBy enlightening Saanda's jealousy, Michkati helped my defenseone of her best friends to work with me; but under the pressure of Florence Journiac and the police, she agreed to accuse me one week later, for having supposedly assaulted her eight months ago. But if so, why send me  then her friend? What inconsistency! With respect to her, my indictment was quickly cancelled by the Investigation Chamber.

Willing to blow up my law office, Florence Journiac also denigrated me maliciously to Malika Moussa, a brilliant jurist from Paris who came to work with me after I dismissed the couple I was feeding for nothing. The first time she saw Malika in the court (it was on February, 28, 2013), she accosted her and made some slanderous statements about me. She never mentioned any sexual offense. When I came in unexpectedly, she confronted me fiercely, saying that she was free to talk to whoever she wanted. I threatened then to file a complaint to the president of the bar, unknowing that she had already made some slanderous innuendos vis-à-vis the said president too. So, as soon as I went to look for him, Florence Journiac started weeping loudly, so much so that all the magistrates came out of their offices wondering what was going on. As a perfect hypocrite, she played theatrically the afflicted victim persecuted by a former employer so that Malika Moussa was embarrassed. When the bar president asked Malika to write a report of the incident, mainly Journiac's words, Malika decided to resign because she was afraid that such a written report against a practicing attorney might possibly jeopardize her future career in Mayotte. Later on, Malika Moussa, a very fine attorney to-be, came from Paris to work with me. Florence Journiac forced her to resign.Malika Moussa, a very fine attorney to-be, came from Paris to work with me. Florence Journiac forced her to resign.she admitted to the police that she had strictly nothing to reproach me, likewise all my auditioned former employees.

Of course, being able to see the walls move — as she told me once in my office in Pamandzi — or feel an erect sex in her back without having neither seen nor touched it, Florence Journiac dared spread the rumor that the president of the Mayotte bar also wanted to fuck her, like one of her former employers in Paris where she fled from to come join Charles Simon in October 2012 when I had the misfortune to recruit her.

When I was in Reunion Island, she also approached the cleaning lady in Pamandzi, Marie Mfoungoulié, who helped sometimes as a translator (in fact, I don't speak any of the local languages of Mayotte); and Marie did refuse to join her hideous conspiracy and reported it to me, likewise Nafouanti Abdou Waladi who told me of all her mischiefs while I was abroad from November 2012 to January 2013.

I wish to pay homage here to all my faithful and loyal former employees including Saendati Soumaïla, Anliati Abdallah and so many other kind people — staff members or simple witnesses — who defended me in front of virulent police-officers seeking to intimidate them, as they realized that my file was an emply one. When a file is empty because a man is innocent, there is nothing you can do to fill it, for lies are like a sandcastle. It does not stand the flood of truth.