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I do know what I owe youI do know what I owe you


This is my acknowledgement page, the place for me to say a special thank you to some people who are very precious and priceless to me, in that I could have never faced my ordeal without their support and assistance.

Of Course, my spouse Marlene tops the list as she deserves all my sincere appreciation for her unwavering support; and you will forgive me for not exposing further here, why I owe so much to this wonderful woman by any measure... really so much!

 My oxygen and my everything.My oxygen and my everything.


Then comes another of my guardian angels, Farid Kamal, who did the shopping for me when I could not get out of my apartment because I was wearing an electronic bracelet; took me to court and brought home within the strict limits of the hours of release that were assigned to me; photocopied for me the documents I needed for my defense; threw parties so that I could not feel lonely on celebration days; carried me on his shoulders in my moments of despair, etc. To tell the truth, I cannot account for all he did to assist and accommodate me.
Sometimes your guardian angels appears to you in a human body Sometimes your guardian angels appears to you in a human body

I am also grateful to Marie-Andrée and Daniel Law Tchan Wa from Reunion Island who became like a family to me; my old friend Jean Pavageau from Collioure in the last moments when I was finally able to go to Benin to breathe some fresh air; and Abdallah Akishuli my staunchest support whose testimony at the beginning of the procedure rejoiced my heart.

Sometimes perfect strangers are worth a familySometimes perfect strangers are worth a family

I cannot forget Soilihi Mognedaho, Michel Ngoma, Franck Ahounou, Jonathan Estrade, and so many people all over the world, whose support on Facebook really touched me, especially at the begining of the hell I had to cope with in being forced to reside on an island where sometimes, I did contemplate suicide.

Enumerating is the best way to forget; and I apologize in advance to all my dear friends, who would be right to blame me for having skipped their names. But I cannot help but mention a few like Adelaide Houndékon, Gladys Nouatin, or Vicky Law, who personally prayed for me, or made me aware that they were worried about me, like were concerned Igor de Souza, Marc Loisel, Mohamed Youla, Romain Soglo, Faïza Soulé, Allaoui Abdallah, Bonaventure Kèkè, Anrafa Moussa, Wilfrid Zossoungbo, Nadine Efoeviga, Josselyne Tchibozo, Erick Hesler, Daniel Badagbon-ZogbéNicole Agonhessou, Marlène Alyko, Sandra the BillionaireYasmine Mourthadoi, Zaki Condzo, Henry Delamour, Toumbou Lissilamou, Yves Saliou, Julienne Tchibozo, Ghislain Sogbossi, Samsidine Sagbohan, Scholl Guézo-Mèvo, Diane Abdallah Djaha, Nadia Galas, Terence Thérèse, Jacqueline Vienne, Florentin Monkotan, Martial Adjakidjè, Jean-Paul Izabiliza, Etiany Djimassè, Thiérry Clégou, Sani Adamou, Fidélia Quenum, Gisèle Dohounon, Shamy DokponouCarine Fanoudh, Jocelyn Déguénon, Alphonse Adjaklo, Thierry Hounyo, Pierre-Philippe Cunique, Salomon Mezepo, Ramadhani Ndize, Emeline Vitogo, Elisa Thérèse, and so on, and so forth.
Of course, I don't mention my blood family, for supporting me is their natural duty.
Only God can reward you all (even, and mostly, those I could not name due to space limit).
There are some people - fortunately a few - who misjudged me without knowing the other side of the story.
This shiny rose is for all of you to express my gratitudeThis shiny rose is for all of you to express my gratitude
But to you all who supported me, especially those who became my friends knowing that I was accused, I offer this shiny rose.

Thanks once more for your prayers, consideration and sympathy.