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How came I was released?

Posté le 17/11/2017

Looking back today, I think I was very lucky, because it was clear that the judge wanted to ruin my life. It was not the truth that interested him, but rather sentencing an innocent person.


He was not looking for any evidence, not even the evidence supposed to be against me. Indeed, the civil parties have randomly claimed that they had some SMS or e-mails written by themselves; but never has the judge asked to see these so-called proofs.


So far he kept me in Reunion Island, far away from my law office, all the rest did not matter for him. It was only because the president of the Investigation Chamber found that I could no longer pay my rent and that I was showing misery, that he ordered, out of pure pity, my return to Mayotte.


Otherwise for a long time, this return had been refused on the grounds that my accusers who were living in Mayotte, did not withdraw their complaints. At no time, therefore, have I benefited from the presumption of innocence, which is only a vain word.