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Mind the Humor Book

Posté le 24/11/2017

In a previous post, I have already exposed that the judge refused to display a photo-board so that my neighbor could possibly identify Samiati Ali Ahamed; and to justify this refusal, he said that Samiati had admitted that she already came to my apartment, contrarily to what she said in the first place. I have stressed that this admission was nowhere on the record when the magistrate made this statement; and that very clearly, Judge Jean-Pierre Niel - so to call him - was receiving information from the lawyers of my accusers, before the accusers themseives officially made before him, the statements supporting the information.

But this would not be the sole unsound an incomprehensible violation of my rights committed by the magistrate, as he also refused to have revealed the phone number of the mother of Nadia Moussa Mohamed who accused me of rape. In fact, this woman who does not speak French, phoned her daughter while the latter was busy doing to me what you can imagine, so that her mouth was busy. Nadia used my phone afterwards to call back her mother. But the judge refused to have the number identified, for the sole purpose of paralyzing me in my defense, since from the outset, he viewed me as a culprit.

Similarly, the judge did not want to address the issue of hatred of Samiati's lawyer towards me, namely Randa Hassan, although I asked him to gather from the president of the bar, the complaint that this inexperienced and outrageous lawyer had sent to him, just because I taught her before the Court of Appeal, some precepts of civil procedure that she did not know. Acting in revenge, this lawyer who will prove how dreadful she can be, asked her clients to lye and charge me more and more, in violation of her oath.

For the prosecutor, if you have this picture in your office, you are a pervertFor the prosecutor, if you have this picture in your office, you are a pervertThe judge also refused to ask telephony technicians to count the calls and SMS Samiati Ali Ahamed and Saanda Mohamed have sent to each other on the one hand, and the same between Samiati Ali Ahamed and Martina Mussi on the other hand, the latter being another adventurer who came to usurp in Mayotte the title of lawyer, and who took illegaly some money from me. Since the Reunion Court of Appeals has sentenced her to pay me back, she has disappeared and from what I know, she is hiding in Paris. But if the judge had honestly and sincerely done his investigative work, he would have found out those who fomented the conspiracy of which I am a victim.

Likewise, the judge refused to identify and reveal the content of the SMS which have been sent between Hakim Chekri, a traitor who pretended to be my collaborator, and Samiati Ali Ahamed, a brainless manipulator, in a context where the presumption of innocence was totally annihilated by solid prejudices.

When I told this magistrate of another age, that Samiati was wearing sandals on June 18, 2013 in order to runFor the prosecutor, this is an evidence of rapeFor the prosecutor, this is an evidence of rape easily from my home  and that to justify her delay of almost a quarter of an hour before getting out of the office, while I was waiting for her downstairs she said that Hakim Chekri was not there when his scooter was parked at its usual place — all of which it appears that Samiati had planned to entrap me — the judge did not react because nothing of the details I raised in my defense did not interest him: he had nothing in view but my conviction.

The judge also refused to hear the prosecutor Philippe Faisandier who suborned
Hakim Chekri — the single and indirect witness — whom he also hid in his office all the morning of this fateful Tuesday, June 25, 2013, pending my arrest.

If he had auditioned this colleague of his, who was moved by the sole desire to lynch me and please all those who hated me, he could have asked him what was the relevance of photographing
in my office the mural portrait of a woman whose back was naked, and if there is in that portrait, under the criminal law, any hint of the commission of rape, attempted rape, sexual aggression or sexual harassment.

He could also have asked him what was the relevance of seizing a humor book (sold on the quays of railway stations in France), even if this book is about sex as it shows from the picture here, as well as some dictation texts talking of romance; and if he was taught or told that it is with those writings that women are raped.