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Odd file, zero proof!

Posté le 24/11/2017

Samiati Ali Ahamed said that while my vehicle was running, and she was sitting next to me in the passenger seat, I forced her to spread her thighs; then with my fingers, I pierced her tights to introduce my middle finger into her sex. But I always maintained that she was naked that night, simply wearing stockings that stopped at mid-thighs. The examining magistrate never sought to see if at least, the tights Samiati spoke of exist. What color are they? What size? What material are they made of? How much did they cost? Where and when did she buy them? None of these questions has ever interested the judge. For him, the accuser spoke and it's over: it is gospel speech. Period!

Quite extraordinarily, unbeknownst to me, the judge asked two policemen to take any car, to make the journey indicated by the accuser, and to say if it is possible to drive with one hand - what these two policemen did - in order to accredit the idea that I could actually put my finger in Samiati’s sex. Of course, this was not the point at issue; but rather if it was possible to force a woman opens her thighs – against her will – while driving a car with one hand, knowing that this woman has two arms to defend herself.

How could the judge have thought that this simulacrum of reconstitution, done in my absence, in any car, could be enough to convince a jury of my guilt... unless he knew in advance the members of the jury, so that their vote in favor of a guilty verdict was already bought!


As for Saanda Mohamed, she said that I raped her twice in the vagina, having put a condom each time; and that once, I made her give me a blowjob. But she never had the idea to recover this condom while she was doing the cleaning in my office. Admittedly, the judge told her that it is her word against mine, especially as she filed a complaint more than twelve months after the alleged rapes. Nonetheless, the same judge, who talks to her lawyer with obsequiousness, decided to believe her and said that I actually raped her. Yet he saw that she came to dance with me after the alleged rapes, offered gifts to my wife and children; invited my family to eat at home; taught me how to send anonymous SMS; asked me to become her friend on Facebook; came to my birthday, and invited me to her daughter's. How, then, does an investigating judge work?

The only proof Saanda Mohamed said she had, was an SMS she supposedly received from another person, saying that I was courting this person, which is not forbidden. But even this SMS has never been added to the file because the judge did not think of recovering it. Funnier, Saanda Mohamed said that she got closer to my wife to avoid being raped again, which is totally stupid, because it is not by becoming friends with the wife of an alleged rapist that you would stop such a person. But here too, the judge unbelievably, adhered to the reasoning of this madwoman. Of course, she never told my wife that I would have adopted towards her, any inappropriate gesture. Really, the instruction of this file remains a mystery to me. Mind you, the judge even asked her to tell if she had been traumatized by her alleged rape which supposedly took place 16 months earlier, making therefore a trauma expert of her. Since there was no evidence against me, he decided to ask the plaintiff a question which only an expert could answer. Yet it was easy to see that Saanda Mohamed was lying. But don't ask someone who is deliberately blind to open his eyes.     


For her part, Florence Journiac said that I grabbed her breasts on a running scooter, and that she felt my erect cock on her back. Yet she has never seen my sex. She also never touched it. But she is positive that it is my erect sex she felt in her back; not a bunch of keys as I said. However, how can you explain that a lady who is a lawyer, rides on a scooter with her alleged rapist on various occasions, knowing that the one has already, supposedly, attempted to sexually assault her? She never talked of these accusations to her boyfriend while both were working for me, and when I fired them both, none of them ever talked to me of such things. For eight months long, she did not do anything; lodge a complaint; talked to the president of the bar who she even accused of having sexual intents towards her. But she told the investigators that in order to file a complaint, she was waiting for the approval of the others - that is, the other accusers.

The only evidence she said she had against me, would be an e-mail she said she wrote herself, to inform a friend in Paris that she would have fallen on a mad boss. Of course, she would have fallen on a furious mad boss, which means that she is used to this issue, since she can distinguish erect sexes without having seen or touched them. But with regard to this email written by herself, no trace of it appears in the record.


Saouda Souf Baco basically accused me of nothing; she is on the record just so that Florence Journiac may have an artificially constituted witness.


As for Nadia Moussa Mohamed, I am rather the one who has evidence against her, like our many SMS which are about buttocks and kisses, a sexually explicit message on Facebook, or a call she made from my phone to her mother who she could not talk to when the latter called her, as her mouth was busy with something else... Of course, for more than two years of one-sided investigation, the judge saw the picture of Nadia Moussa Mohamed in my apartment, shirtless and radiant smile on the lips. But this did not prevent him from sending me before the jury so that I could be tried. Yet, he has not collected a single evidence.