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A snake bit me

Posté le 28/11/2017

I made the mistake of recruiting in my office, Hakim Chekri, a former drug addict, to whom no one in France wanted to offer the opportunity to swear in as a lawyer. Like a snake biting the feeding hand, he stuck the knife in my back.

Called by Samiati Ali Ahamed whom he was sexually attracted to, he accepted recklessly to be her privileged witness. So, he told a complacent judge, that when he picked her up on the side of the road, he drove her to Mamoudzou where they smoked a cigarette. the funny thing is that the distance from the place he picked her to Mamoudzou is twelve kilometers; and Hakim said incredibly, that Samiati was crying alla long the road, on his scooter. But she has already waited for him more than sixteen minutes long on the side of the road, where surprisingly, no one, motorist or pedestrian, saw her and came to her rescue.

As he said, Hakim Chekri hastened to call Florence Journiac, my former employee whom he knows to hate me, and told her what he naively accepted from Samiati; and so with Randa Hassan, another hate lawyer, they organized a meal to determine Samiati Ali Ahamed to accuse me.

While he knew Samiati's personal relationship with me very well, he calculated that it was in his interest to be quiet and let me be arrested by the police, so that he would be in my place at the head of an important law office, which would allow him to captivate all my clients.

Likewise, when Samiati said that I was definitely leaving for Canada, he could have told the police that this was untrue, since he knew very well that I was traveling only for three months, and that on my return, I had planned to recruit another collaborator. Obviously, as a real traitor, he just wanted to see me arrested, to have himself peace with the prosecutor Philippe Faisandier who suborned him because he wanted Hakim testify against me, in the benefit of Martina Mussi, an Italian adventurer who came to mmy office, pretending falsely that she had been a lawyer in Paris.

Since I have got arrested, Hakim Chekri had the plaque and the answering machine in my office changed to his own personal name, as if it were his property. He insisted that the website of my firm be removed from the search engines, proving thereby that he was not acting as a mere collaborator of a lawyer temporarily detained and likely to return home at any time; but rather that he viewed himself as a boss.

Not only did he keep the scooter I bought for him and of which he had not finished the refunds, but he also kept hor his own profit, the fees paid by several clients; and left Mayotte without accounting for his management to anyone. He also dared ask access to my bank account, to be able to strip me; and when he was denied this access, he sued me in court and lost.