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Posté le 21/12/2017

السلام عليكم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، أقدم لكم، يا إخوتي المسلمين الأعزاء في مايوت وجزر القمر، ملخصا مخلصا لقضيتي. أشكركم على تقاسمها مع كل ما تبذلونه من المعرفة، والصلاة بالنسبة لي، من خلال نعمة الله.

Hi Everyone
In the name of God the Merciful, I offer you, my dear Muslim brothers in Mayotte and the Comoros, a sincere summary of my case. Thanks for sharing with all your acquaintances; and pray for me, through God's grace.

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen!                                                 Download French Version                   

Dear friends from Mayotte, Reunion Island, Marseille, or from any city in France, I address you with my sincere greetings.
Dear friends living in the Comoros, or coming from any of the islands of this magnificent land of which Islam is the main religion, all of you who come from Anjouan, Moheli, Mitsamiouli, etc..
All of you who speak Shimaore or Shicomore languages, I greet you in the Holy Name of Allah, I salute you in the name of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). I greet you on behalf of the Holy Quran; practicing Muslims or not; I greet you and speak to you in truth and sincerity.
The man you see on the screen is Mister Jacques TCHIBOZO, Esq.; an African lawyer who came to Mayotte in 2010 with his family where he opened his main practice in Kawéni.
He worked hard for the defense of poor and vulnerable people, people having problems with justice, asylum seekers, people facing the administration because seeking the stay in France, people from Mayotte dismissed by their employers, or the mothers of French children who could not be arrested by the police but who were still wanted to be deported out of the borders.
Mister TCHIBOZO worked so hard that in only two years he opened three other firms in Mayotte, Pamandzi, Chirongui and Mtsahara; and he recruited a lot of people who did not have a job, to give them the chance to work with him. This is how he happened to recruit a secretary called Saanda MOHAMED who calls herself Nathalie.
She is a Comorian woman who had come to see Mister TCHIBOZO for a divorce case, and soon fell in love with his employer, even though he had introduced her to his own wife who considered her a sister or friend. Indeed, the two women were so sympathetic that they had become friends.
Thus, the secretary came to the birthdays of her boss, or invited Mrs. TCHIBOZO when her own daughter was celebrating an anniversary.
She would get into her boss's car every night in the presence of the latter's wife and they would drop her off at Passamainty where she was living at that time, before they themselves went back to Trevani where Maître TCHIBOZO lived, in 2012.
On June 2, 2012, she came to dance with him in public, with her own boyfriend, at a party that Mister TCHIBOZO had organized at the Koropa Night Club.
In November 2012, when Mister TCHIBOZO's wife was leaving for Canada, she invited her to eat at home, as well as Mister TCHIBOZO himself and their children; and at the end of the meal, she offered gifts to the family, wife and children of his boss.
In fact, she expected that once the wife had left, she would replace her and become the mistress of Mister TCHIBOZO. But a fe days after this meal, Mister TCHIBOZO dismissed her, and she was then recruited in the office of Mister Nadjim AHAMADA.

Since that time, she has been seeking by all means, the possibility of harming Mister TCHIBOZO to avenge herself by sheer jealousy, while this lawyer has been kind and generous to offer her the chance to work.


When she later learned that Mister TCHIBOZO recruited another secretary, also a Comorian lady, called Samiati ALI AHAMED, Nathalie, or Saanda MOHAMED, contacted this young woman, and started making slanderous statement about her former employer to her, in order to mount a plot against him to break his career in Mayotte.

Before Samiati ALI AHAMED, she had tried the same thing with another secretary originating from Mayotte, whose name is Saoudata MOUSSA, and who had come from Marseille. But this person is a mature woman, and she immediately understood where Saanda MOHAMED aka Nathalie, was coming. She told her that she was not interested, that Mister TCHIBOZO had not done anything wrong to her, and that Nathalie was ungrateful in her desire to destroy the life of someone who had reached out to her when, after her divorce, she did not have enough to live on.

But Samiati ALI AHAMED is a naive and ambitious girl who wanted money quickly.

Saanda MOHAMED aka Nathalie took the opportunity to tell her that she was underpaid, while actually, Samiati was first recruited as a trainee as she was waiting for her residence permit from the prefecture.

The fact is that Samiati could not have known that Saanda MOHAMED acted out of jealousy and desire for revenge: she only listened to Saanda MOHAMED, known as Nathalie, as she told her that when she held the same position as secretary, she won twice as much her salary, and that she had worked a lot of overtime.

As Mister TCHIBOZO was about to leave Canada for three months starting in July 2013, Samiati, who was in dire need of money, then imagined to trap the lawyer who had become for her a personal friend and whose she knew the private home.

On June 18, 2013, Samiati left his house, pretended that she was chased by him, stopped by the road, and called Mister Hakim CHEKRI, a young lawyer who was a collaborator of Mister TCHIBOZO. She told him that Mister TCHIBOZO attempted to rape her.

She believed that by telling such a lie, her boss would be under pressure and would try to quell before his trip, what would be a scandal, and then would have given her a lot of money.

She did not want to make a complaint, because she knew it was a lie; but she just needed a fabricated witness to be able to exert psychological pressure on a man to whom she wanted to take money, like in the Strauss-Kahn case, where it was enough for a maid in an hotel to lie against the former director of the IMF to become rich today.

In a ruling of May 10, 2016, the President of the Investigation Chamber of the Appeal Court of Saint-Denis, Reunion Island, after analyzing all the contradictory statements Samiati made, and especially the many lies she invented every day – the president concluded the that she lied about the way she left Mister TCHIBOZO's apartment on June 18, 2013.

The court also ruled that she lied by accusing Mister TCHIBOZO of rape, likewise Nathalie, since she took advantage of the complaint Hakim CHEKRI forced Samiati to lodge, to say idiotically to the police, that Mister TCHIBOZO allegedly raped her.

Indeed, the collaborator came after sixteen long minutes following Samiati’s call, who curiously had stayed by that almost highway of Tsoundzou, waiting for him while she could take a taxi or even call the police; and since Samiati had arranged her clothes the way she wanted to be seen by her witness who was sexually attracted to her, Hakim CHEKRI made every possible effort to have her file a complaint she did not really want at the outset.

For his part, he knew that if Mister TCHIBOZO found himself in prison, he would be able to divert all his clients and recover his files to start his own career in Mayotte.

In addition, many lawyers could not stand Mister TCHIBOZO because he had opened several firms and was heard, speaking every Thursday on a broadcasting radio; so Hakim knew that it would not bother anyone that his former boss was under lock and key.

After repeatedly insisting on Samiati ALI AHAMED who realized that this is not what she wanted from her intended witness, Hakim CHEKRI finally organized a meal and invited Randa HASSAN, a hate lawyer from the Nadjim AHAMADA law firm, and a former collaborator of Mister TCHIBOZO namely Florence JOURNIAC, so that they could all three, convince Samiati to file a complaint so that Mister TCHIBOZO got arrested.

It is from there that on 24 June 2013, Florence Journiac, Saanda Mohamed, and Samiati ALI AHAMED assisted by Randa HASSAN, called all the former employees of Mister TCHIBOZO they had contact with, so that they could all head over to the police-station and accuse him of rape, to make sure he would be arrested. Indeed, a rape charge is serious enough for the police and the prosecutor to leave no chance to the accused person.


This is also how Florence Journiac came in, and said that Mister TCHIBOZO would have grabbed her breasts on a running scooter, and that she would have felt her erect penis in the back.

Since she has never seen Mister TCHIBOZO's sex and never touched it, how can she say with certainty that it was her erect penis that she felt in the back?

But Mister TCHIBOZO showed, with photos in support (which the police have also removed from his smartphone without knowing that he had saved a copy to his computer) that it is at most his key-ring that she probably felt, not his sex, which key-ring was still in his pocket the day this accuser had a lunch with him, along with her boyfriend and Saanda, in October 2012, a few days later, while he was still wearing the same clothes.

What is also surprising is that while she herself is a lawyer, she did not think at all of filing a complaint, even though he had dismissed her alongside her boyfriend, Charles SIMON, who was also working in Mister TCHIBOZO’s office.

On the contrary, she continued to come to work at his workplace until January 2013; she always gave him a kiss; called him "dear Jacques"; went to restaurants and even evenings with him; never told anyone that is what she did not tell the police until eight months later… because he had meanwhile refused to pay her a compensatory notice allowance if she did not complete every three months full of her notice.

A week earlier, Mister TCHIBOZO had dismissed Charles SIMON for insubordination and irreverence, and Florence JOURNIAC chose to leave as well because it was her lover; but she had never dared to make any accusation against him even though he had refused to pay her the indemnity to which she was not entitled without doing the corresponding work.

But as Samiati ALI AHAMED had filed a complaint, under the combined pressure of Hakim CHEKRI who wanted to please the former prosecutor of Mayotte, and the various lawyers who hated Mister TCHIBOZO, then Saanda aka Nathalie, accused him of rape; and Florence JOURNIAC also said that on a running scooter, in the street at Pamandzi, he would have grabbed her breasts several times, that is to say on several occasions, which is still bizarre.


Mister TCHIBOZO who already knew through Mrs Saouata MOUSSA that a plot had already been hatched by Saanda MOHAMED, has told judge Jean-Pierre NIEL of Reunion Island, that he was a victim of such a plot prepared by his former employees.

It was then that the young lawyers Hakim CHEKRI and Randa HASSAN brought in a client, also from the Comoros, in the person of Nadia MOUSSA MOHAMED, who accepted too to accuse Mister TCHIBOZO of rape.

Actualy, this person was a personal friend of Mister TCHIBOZO to whom she sent messages every time until very late even in the night.

Of course, the judge did not try to find out how much she was paid to lie like that against an innocent person. But fortunately, the president of the Investigation Chamber rejected her accusations too, for she lied like all those who said that Mister TCHIBOZO raped them.

This is a summary of the case of Mister Tchibozo, whose life has been broken for five years now by shameless women who have not hesitated to plot and lie against him, out of sheer malice.

Moreover, when confrontations were organized in Mayotte, many of these women did not come. There is even one of which the lawyer had to admit having lost the contact details, because from the beginning, this person who is a lady from Mayotte called Saouda SOUF BACO, has not lodged any complaint against Mister TCHIBOZO.

But it was Philippe Faisandier, the prosecutor at the time, who put her name on the file, because there had to be a lot of complainants for the procedure to appear credible so that the image of the lawyer could be destroyed, while there has never been a single evidence since the start.

Today, the goal of Saanda MOHAMED has been achieved: Mister TCHIBOZO no longer works, and all his cabinets are closed. But the question to ask Saanda, who is at the root of the whole conspiracy, is that of knowing concretely what evil Mister TCHIBOZO did to her, before and since she joined the office of Mister Nadjim AHAMADA, so that she decided to ruin his life?

It remains that the last word belongs to God who will judge everyone one day.